What others say about chiropractic care at Hunter Chiropractic Wellness Centre can help you make the right health care choice. Review a selection of Hunter Chiropractic Wellness Centre patient testimonials below and please email me or contact the office if you have any questions.
Yours In Health,
Dr. Mark Hunter
I consulted Dr. Hunter for a lower back problem. It had locked and I could not walk. Since then (1 month later) I can walk again and actually run if needed.
X-rays also determined I had a mid back problem, which was affecting my blood pressure. I’ve been highly medicated for a few years trying to control the pressure. The meds dropped the pressure from 212 to 147. At my check up today my blood pressure is now normal at 118, thanks to chiropractic. I feel much better and healthier.
- Denise Gravel, Orleans
I’ve been a cook for 25 years and during all my years in this profession, I’ve had non-stop back pains due to the stress. My blood pressure has always been high and close to 172, sometimes 180. Due to my worrying state, I’ve been referred to many specialists and have used many different medications to help my situation. Thankfully, I was introduced to Dr. Hunter and his expertise in Chiropractic care. Today, my health has improved and my pressure went down to 135. I am able to walk up the stairs and run with ease. Thank you Dr. Hunter and his wonderful staff!
- Adolphe Ankou, Orleans
Before seeing Dr. Hunter I often had dizziness, ringing in my ears, and many headaches. After the last 3 months of regular chiropractic adjustments the ringing in my ears is gone and so is the dizziness. I also haven’t had a headache in well over a month now which is a record for me! My children also see Dr. Hunter, and we’ve all noticed improved health this winter. While most people and children we know have had colds and flu, we have stayed very healthy. My youngest daughter, who would get multiple ear infections each winter, has had 0, none this year!
- Kerri-Ann Gauthier, Orleans
I started taking Makenna for adjustments at three months of age (once a month). As she got older though, her reflux became very severe. I didn’t want to put her on Prevacid so at six months I started getting her adjusted twice a week. After one month her vomiting decreased from about 30 times a day (no joke!) to about 8 times. This was a huge success!! After another month she was hardly vomiting at all. Shortly after, she went back onto a maintenance plan – first weekly, then every two weeks, then back to once a month. She is very happy to be much less bothered by reflux now!
- Leclair, Orleans
Lower back pain is 80% improved. As for the insomnia I no longer take Melatonin or any other medication for insomnia. I sleep 8 hours most nights, feeling well rested when I wake up. Over all I feel that my posture has improved. I am aware of things around me that affect posture and spinal health.
- Crystal Hendricks, Orleans
With the pain I was living with I was afraid for any doctor to touch my neck area. After a drive by one day in front of Dr. Hunter’s office, I decided I had to trust a chiropractor to help me with a rehabilitation of some sort. Very skeptical I started with my treatments, 3 times a week. In the last 3 ½ months I have noticed a huge difference. The most important one, my sleeping patterns have changed significantly. I can sleep a full night without having to move and change pillows. I can now say that after 4 years of living with pain I am on a great recovery road. My husband is also very surprised of my improvements; he will now start seeing Dr. Hunter! Thank you.
- Monique Brunet-Savard, Orleans
Since starting with Hunter Chiropractic Wellness Centre I have noticed a significant improvement in my spasms (sciatic). I can’t even recall the last time I had one! Dr. Hunter’s team is so friendly and helpful and you definitely get the whole package here because they aren’t just treating your symptoms, it’s your overall health and wellness that’s important.
- Sharon Aubie, Orleans
Since starting with Dr. Hunter I have had major changes in rate of pain in lower legs (left) and mid back. I was on my way to the table for more surgery when I started care. I now feel almost human and can see an end to requiring more surgery!
- David McDonald, Orleans
Before I started chiropractic treatment, my back always felt very stiff and would crack if I moved to far. That doesn’t happen anymore and the stiffness is getting much better! I can see a big difference in the alignment of my head with respect to my collar bones as well. I feel less pain on a daily basis.
- Jessica Desjardins, Orleans
Overall I feel much better; I’m not tired all the time and have not been sick with colds or flu’s. I find it easier to concentrate and work through problems at work and at home.
- Mike Hunter, Orleans
In the last year, I’ve experienced fewer asthma attacks; I no longer need to visit an RMT or a dietitian. I’ve lost 20 lbs due to my return to the gym and soccer – something I had to give up for nearly a year due to chronic back pain. I rarely have headaches anymore and experience fatigue less often, which means no more 5 p.m. naps!
- Pam Pilon, Orleans
After many years of being healthy and fit, my mental, emotional and physical health fell apart in 2006. This was due to a sudden loss and the stress from work. I went into a very major depression. There were days I could not get out of bed, walk or sit for long periods of time due to lower back pain. With this low back pain, stiffness and lack of sleep my energy was decreasing. I tried physiotherapy, acupuncture and massage therapy, but the relief was temporary. In July 2008 I decided I’d had enough of the pain and taking pills. Even though a friend recommended I see a chiropractor, I had concerns about getting adjusted and the doctor potentially hurting me. I decided to let Dr. Hunter educate me and see if his recommendations were something I would be interested in. Dr. Hunter took the time to explain his methods and I started to feel more confident that he could successfully help me. He took spinal images and then showed me the results, explaining why my body wasn’t functioning properly. Since I began getting adjustments 1 year ago, my energy level has increased tremendously. Better sleep, less stress, much less frequent low back pain. He taught me so much about my body, and my health through his health and wellness workshops. I saw AMAZING results. I now totally believe in Chiropractic Wellness care and recommend it to anyone, for any reason. If you’re looking to boost your energy and want to wake up in the morning feeling rested then give it a try, what have you got to lose!!
- Norma Connolly, Orleans
It took no more than 2 weeks to enjoy significant changes in my condition. I’d been suffering with migraines and nausea for a couple of years and was told that I was pre-menopausal.. a few neck adjustments took it all away (not even a small headache in the last 3 months of being a patient!)
Massive lover back pains went away.. This after being told that arthritis happens when you get old! (NOT TRUE) a couple of adjustments brought me back to a normal 45 year old woman!
I had digestive problems that caused me great pain in my esophagus that greatly improved after taking care of my middle back.
I had gained 33 pounds from not being able to move well and lost almost all of it without special effort in 3 months. Just moving around normally did the trick! I feel great!! I’ve found my peace of mind again!
- Carole Cardinal, Orleans
When I first come to the clinic I was not exhibiting or suffering from any symptoms of back/spinal problems. I came because I believe in the importance of spinal health and its long term benefits. I appreciate that we are working towards regaining the proper alignment and curvature of my spine and in the long term this will allow me to continue to age without symptoms/back problems. Thank you!
- Hubert Girourd, Orleans
Dr. Hunter and staff have made a big difference in my life and lifestyle. A year ago I had severe pain in arms, shoulders and hips. I was unable to sit on hard surfaces (including toilet), stand for more than 10-15 minutes, car trips were intolerable.
I now jog (2K), lift 40 lbs weights, swim, cater meals for over 40 members, and can use lawn mower to cut 2 acres of grass!
My life is great and I am looking forward to another year of care!
Meds – maintenance dose for blood pressure
No more pain medication – oxycodone, lyrica
No more anti-inflammatory – naproxen
THANK-YOU, I have reclaimed my life!
- Patricia Macpherson, Orleans
Since starting with Dr. Hunter I have less back pain and almost no headaches. Most of the problems I had when I started have improved and are still improving. My overall health has been better so has my moods.
- Roslyn Joseph, Orleans
I used to suffer from very intense headaches or pains behind my eye. Since my treatment, I have very few headaches/pain – one or two per month has now diminished to approximately three or four in the past year!
I also used to suffer from torticollis (unable to move my neck/head from side to side or up and down) I have had only two episodes in the past year as opposed to one every month.
All in all, it has been excellent! Adjustments and the exercises are the major contributors to my wellness!
- Rachel Landriault, Orleans
Before I started, I would have lots of migraines to the point I couldn’t stand up. I would also have trouble walking a long distance without my right arm getting numb from the pain in my shoulder. It only took a week and I was already starting to feel better. The headaches are gone and I can finally walk with no pain. Finding out about this centre was a blessing for not only my physical self, but also my mental and emotional health. I couldn’t be happier with the results.
- Marielle Charron, Orleans
I used to get migraines weekly and they would last anywhere from 2 hours-2days. I was never anywhere without my sidekick, Advil gel caps. I was taking these 3-4/weeks (2 at a time). Since I began chiropractic adjustments with Dr. Hunter, I’ve had only a handful of migraines (since 2007!) ? I have also had a decrease in neck pain.
- Christina Stapper, Orleans
In the past year that I have been receiving chiropractic adjustments from Dr. Hunter, I have noticed a significant difference in my health. I suffered from constant headaches that would last all day. I would wake up with a headache and go to bed with a headache EVERY DAY. Now, I rarely suffer, I think the last time I took Tylenol was over 6 months ago! Overall, I am very happy with the results. Being headache-free is a life change for me. It gives me the freedom I need to be a great mommy for month 8-month old son.
- Lena Kaine, Orleans
Since my last exam I’ve noticed some improvements. Usually this time of year, as a student, I am under a lot of stressed with projects and upcoming exams. In the past this has caused me many headaches, migraines and back pain. However, this year the amount of pains and aches has significantly decreased. Fewer headaches and migraines help me concentrate on minimizing stress. I can better focus on my studies now.
- A. Gleason, Orleans
When I started with Dr. Hunter I had constant headaches and migraines. I even went to a neurologist, who found nothing wrong with me. Every day I had a headache, which was more like a pressure in my head; it started at my shoulders and went right up. Now I rarely have headaches, the pressure is gone and my shoulders aren’t as tense. I never knew how much it affected me. Now, I can think more clearly, I’m more focused and I’m more productive. I have more energy and I want to do more things.
I always thought I was one of those people that needed an extreme amount of sleep because no matter how much sleep I got I always woke up tired, actually more like exhausted. Now I wake up rested and ready to do. I don’t need the 10 to 12 hours of sleep I used to need. I even get up at 8 AM on the weekends.
I also had digestive issues and I always felt bloated. These problems are MUCH better.
Now that I see such a difference I want to do more to achieve an all over better wellness and health. I want to be at my OPTIMUM!
- Natalie Carriere, Orleans
The most pronounced improvement would be with my digestion issues – I no longer need to take daily medication! Generally, I am more aware of posture and ergonomics at computer workstation. My right shoulder now at 100%. Improvements are noticeable.
- Susan O’Reilly, Orleans
Since starting chiropractic care with Dr. Hunter my stomach cramping gas gone from daily to maybe once a week at the most, the cramps are also far less severe. Mid and left back pain has significantly been improved as well.
- Vince Phillips, Orleans
I had constant stomach pain, as well as awful pain during my menstrual cycles. Since I have seen Dr. Hunter, I have noticed the following changes: no more pain during my cycles, a lot less pain in my stomach! This treatment has helped me get back to normal life.
- Line Prud’Homme, Orleans
The thing I’ve noticed the most is my lower back pain has disappeared in the morning! I can ‘jump’ out of bed and get on with my day a lot faster. I have also seen great improvements in the severity of my IBS. It is now under control since getting chiropractic adjustments from Dr. Hunter. His workshops on stress and nutrition have helped my husband and I make small but significant changes to our lifestyle.
- Claudine Smith, Orleans
I have noticed a dramatic change in my IBS symptoms. When I first started seeing Dr. Hunter my IBS was uncontrollable. I now go through the month with only a couple of attacks. I have had every test imaginable, thinking that my symptoms were something that needed immediate medical attention. Finding out they all have come back normal, I feel getting chiropractic adjustments from Dr. Hunter has been my best form of treatment.
- Jennifer Staple, Orleans
When I began my treatment with Dr. Hunter I had problems with my digestion and was taking medication to relieve the pain. I can honestly say that in the last couple of months I have taken the medication A LOT less. I am more aware and am more diligent regarding my diet. It is really nice to notice a difference from three months ago.
- Rita McAteer, Orleans
I have experienced increased energy, more regular digestion, loss of reflux, a small loss of weight, and an increase in just feeling better!
- Mark Looby, Orleans
Being in The Innate Lifestyle Program has really allowed me to focus on key important aspects of my life and improve them at a gradual but manageable pace.
- Sandy Heard, Orleans
After 53 years of fad dieting (yes, I was born on a diet) I finally found a program that not only took 35 pounds off my body, but allowed me to find the right foods to give me optimal health.
The Innate Lifestyle Program is on that works for everyone. It is simple, easy to follow and helps a person, like me, learn to be more conscious about how I eat, how I think and how I move.
I have fibro myalgia and although I am not running marathons or body building, I have changed my life by moving more. Thanks Dr. Hunter – my only regret – I didn’t know about the program earlier!!
- Jeannie Artelle, Orleans
My overall health is better and I have more energy. The Innate Lifestyle Program has also given me a lot of motivation to watch what I east and to exercise regularly. Dr. Hunter and the staff are great; they are very patient oriented and always take the time for you. They are also always so cheerful! Wow!
I have recommended Hunter Chiropractic to family members who are very, very satisfied with their experience.
- H. Charbonneau, Orleans
Since I began my treatment approximately 6 months ago, I have noticed significant improvements in several areas. First, the most noticeable is that I used to wake up around 4:30-5 AM and I would have to get up because my back was so sore that I just couldn’t lay there any longer. This is not happening anymore and for me, this is a huge improvement!
The next area of improvement has to do with my menstrual cycle. For the last 10-12 years, I would get severe headaches that would last the entire duration of my period. I have noticed not only have the headaches stopped but I have a better menstrual flow. Dr. Hunter’s approach to wellness, well it just makes sense! It is working so well for me that I have brought my husband and daughter to the clinic to begin chiropractic care with Dr. Hunter.
- Becky Ohrt, Orleans
I am quite happy to report that I no longer have any menstrual cramps, what a great improvement. They used to be so debilitating, I’d be out of commission and in bed for a few days every month!
- Jewel Choquette, Orleans
I have had less stiffness in the neck, therefore have had less migraines, also less numbness on my right side (leg) due to my car accident in June 2010. I am feeling a lot better since I started seeing Dr. Hunter.
- Suzanne Latendresse, Orleans
Since starting with Dr. Hunter I have less back pain and almost no headaches. Most of the problems I had when I started have improved and are still improving. My overall health has been better so has my moods.
- Roslyn Joseph, Orleans
The 3 months of chiropractic adjustments I have had a decrease in the amount of sciatic pain and neck pain. I no longer feel like I am having a heart attack from the pain in my mid back. My main reason for coming to Dr. Hunter was due to a great deal of pain in my neck, shooting into my shoulders and arm pit. I was also suffering from a constant numbness and tingling in my right hand. I now have neck aches (not pains) and NO more shooting pains are numbness. THANK YOU!!
- Gloria Clarke, Orleans
I feel so much better than a year ago. Not only are my back and neck much better, I have become more aware of what my body requires to function well. As I gradually adjust my lifestyle, I feel improvements in my general health and every level. Thanks to Dr. Hunter and his team for giving me the knowledge and tools to improve my health and well being.
- Nicole Allen, Orleans
When I started seeing Dr. Hunter in the fall of 2009 I could barely walk, my lower back was completely frozen. Pain would be 8 out of 10. A year later I feel much better. My back is much more flexible. Pain does occur but when it does it is a 4-5 out of 10. The positive atmosphere in the clinic is great. I am very pleased with the treatment I have received and will continue to attend.
- Ann Harris, Orleans
I am 86 years old, and have been a patient of Dr. Hunter for 2 years. I have been suffering from chronic back pain for as many years as I can remember. My daughter suggested I try a chiropractor. I was extremely nervous because of my age, but am happy to report I have been provided tremendous relief and freedom and as of four months ago I am now completely pain free and no longer require pain medication. Dr. Hunter is an extremely caring person and the adjustments I received were very gentle – nothing to have been nervous about after all.
- Bessie Steele, Orleans
Since I began care with Dr. Hunter I have seen a lot of changes. As a competitive long distance runner I was experiencing knee pain and shoulder pain during high intensity, long runs. Through corrective care, these issues have diminished and I am able to run pain free. I also had lower back pain related to my job and the things I did in my spare time. The lower back pain has subsided and only comes back after really ridiculous shifts at work (15 hours!) The degree of care and concern that Dr. Hunter shows for his patients is truly amazing. Every appointment was like visiting a family who knows you very well. Thanks for everything!
- Mark Frankish, Orleans
Low back pain is greatly reduced – 70% with more strength in legs. Neck pain is almost all gone with greater mobility and rotation. Tingling in arms and feet is all gone. I am very pleased with overall results in the last 3 months. Thank you Dr. Hunter!
- Dan Bertrand, Orleans
I’ve noticed considerable relief in my neck stiffness problem caused by severe whiplash from a vehicle accident. Chiropractic care has dramatically improved other pain and stiffness symptoms caused by many years of back pain and sports injury. I encourage more people to consider this form of therapy, it truly works wonders.
- Adrian LaBelle, Orleans
I no longer have headaches and my lower back pain has gone down a lot. I only experience it once in a while and not as bad as it used to be. Also, I have only had one relapse – that has actually helped my spine (in my opinion) straighten a bit more. I feel like the depression that I experienced for the past 5 years has also changed for the better. I am more able to motivate myself and not use the excuse that my back is hurting or I have a headache.
- Cindy Gullogly, Orleans
I’ve been seeing Dr. Hunter for a month now. I do not feel any pain associated with my carpal tunnel in my wrists, going up to my shoulders, anymore. Neck pain is 80% better and I experience very little pain in lower back. I have no more pain in knees and bending down and getting back up is no longer an issue.
- Sylvie Primeau, Orleans
My most major change is that I can finally tilt my head back without any pain or discomfort. I am looking forward to bike riding this summer and being able to hold my head in a comfortable position. I am also enjoying not experiencing numbness in my arm or right hand which I had been living with for an extremely long time.
- W. Martin, Orleans
I came to Dr. Hunter’s clinic in June of 2007 with extreme pain in my right shoulder blade area. My G.P. did not know what was causing the pain so he put my on medication which did not work. After being treated for just a couple of months the pain is gone and no more medication to take!
- K. Taylor, Orleans
When I started corrective treatment I was suffering with lower back pain and a sore neck. After the first month of treatment the soreness in my neck was gone and I had a greater range of motion in my neck, with no discomfort.
After two months of treatment the pain in my lower back was but a memory. The numbness in my right thigh has also disappeared. I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my quality of life and my general outlook. Thank you Dr. Hunter, I’m a believer!
- Mike Pearson, Orleans
I’ve noticed very good movement of my neck. As a bus driver, good movement is very important. My weight has dropped with ease. I do not experience headaches anymore. Overall my health has improved considerably since starting my chiropractic adjustments in late October 2007. Thanks to the staff and most importantly Dr. Mark Hunter!
- Peter Aalar, Orleans
For a number of years I experienced various problems with my back, shoulders and neck area. Following my initial assessment by Dr. Hunter, he located two areas in my spine that needed to be addressed, surprisingly these two areas identified were related to the two major issues I’ve had problems with for many years, one being thyroid problems. After several months of chiropractic treatment, my overall back, shoulder and neck discomfort are no longer. My physician has also noted an improvement in my thyroid gland function.
Thank you to Dr. Hunter and all his staff. The treatments have brought me great results and the entire staff has been wonderful.
- Annie Sills, Orleans
I have been on heavy pain medication for the past 2 years for constant pain in my back and neck. Since coming, I have graduated from those pain meds to over the counter medication and for the past 2 weeks I haven’t needed anything!
Thank you Dr. Hunter, you and your treatments are the light at the end of a very painful tunnel!
- K. Looby, Orleans
Things have improved immensely in the last year. The numbness I was experiencing in my legs is almost nonexistent. I am also eating better and taking care of my spine with the guidance of Dr. Hunter.
- Richard Coilin, Orleans
In a few short months my body has improved immensely. I used to have extremely bad circulation but now that is almost all cleared up. My health and vitality have improved. This was one of the best decisions I’ve made for myself!
- Christopher MacDonald, Orleans
Since coming for chiropractic adjustments, I am feeling a lot better. I have very little problems with the sciatica, very few migraines and just generally feeling like a new person. I would recommend Dr. Hunter and chiropractic adjustments to anyone!
- Elizabeth Sandzink, Orleans
I was pregnant when I started chiropractic treatments with Dr. Hunter. When I was 2 months pregnant, I already had lots of low back pain. Within about 3 visits, the pain was gone and I can say that I had no pain for the rest of my pregnancy. Labour was super quick, which I think had a lot to do with my weekly visits throughout.
- Nancy Clavet, Orleans
My first pregnancy (without chiropractic) was very difficult, very low energy, problems with pelvis and sciatic nerve made walking and laying down very painful throughout. Labour was long and difficult and full of medical interventions (epidural, big tear, forceps, broken tailbone) and it took well over a year to recover with Dr. Hunter’s care.
My second pregnancy, under Dr. Hunter’s care, was much smoother, still some pelvic pain, but it did not prevent me from walking this time, much higher energy levels to take care of first child . Overall, chiropractic made my pregnancy much better than the first one. Labour was very quick and relatively easy. Baby was very easy to push out, in great part because of a properly aligned and flexible pelvis. I highly recommend Dr. Hunter’s care during pregnancy and will most definitely continue to see him postpartum and during my third pregnancy.
- France McDougall, Orleans
Monday | 7:30am - 11:30am 1:30pm - 6:00pm* |
Tuesday | 6:30am - 11:30am 1:30pm - 6:00pm* |
Wednesday | 7:30am - 11:30am 1:30pm - 6:00pm* |
Thursday | 6:30am - 11:30am 1:30pm - 6:00pm* |
*Hours subject to change

Hunter Chiropractic Wellness Centre
200 Vanguard Drive Unit 2
Orleans, ON K4A 1A1
(613) 841-9355